Challenging Disability: Sriramanujam

Sriramanujam, a 11 year old boy who is probably the world’s first visually impaired newscaster

In probably the first in the world, Lotus News , a Tamil channel has introduced eleven year old Sriramanujam , a visually challenged boy as a news reader.

Sriramanujam ‘s Uphill Journey

Sriramanujam who is visually impaired since childhood read the special news live on television using a Braille pointer. This 22 minute episode watched across Tamilnadu was indeed a brave attempt. The news cast went off perfect, though Srimamujam later admitted that for the first two minutes into the news cast he  was nervous. However as the news progressed he regained his confidence and composure.

Sriramujam knew there was no margin for mistake , he had rehearsed the news six times before going on air.  His parents were in the the studio when Srimanujam was reading the news and could not help stop tears trickle down their eyes.

Lotus News reported that featuring a visually impaired news reader was to raise awareness on eye donation. So well did Srimanujamdeliver the news that Lotus News is now contemplating making Srimanujam as a permanent news reader.

Sriramujam is currently in fifth standard at Government School at Uliyampalayam. His ambition is to become a district collector when he grows up.





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