Trusted by Generations

About Us
Branolia Chemical Works started operations in Calcutta in 1922 on the call of Swadeshi under the ambit of the National Independence movement. We have retained that legacy and remain at service with best in class herbal therapeutics. We are committed to bringing the traditional Ayurveda knowledge combined with state of the art production facility and research lab. Generations of indians have trusted our herbal products over more than 100 years.
For Healthy Memory,
Concentration and Well Being

Branolia Enriched with Brahmi...
Branolia brings the regenerative and memory enhancement power of the cerebral herb Brahmi . For students it has potential for improving academic performance, for middle aged it keeps the mind and body tuned for the daily rigours and for the aged it helps manage age related mental degeneration. Branolia combines goodness of Brahmi with other essential body rejuvenating herbs including Ashwangandha, Joshthimodhu and Alkushi.

Fights Iron Deficiency

Branolia’s Kulerron Kulekhara, Ashwagandha, Nagkesar
Branolia's Kulerron brings the goodness of Kulekhara (Hygrophila spinosa) leaf which is among the best known antidote in Ayurveda against iron deficiency in blood (also known as iron deficiency anemia), indicated by low Hemoglobin count. Kulerron is good for women, growing girls and low hemoglobin symptomatic conditions like weakness, dizziness etc. Along with Kulekhara, Kulerron comes fortified with health reviving ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha , Biranga , Pipul , Nagkesar amongst others.

Keep your body tuned
the whole day

Branolia’s Honey Guard Honey, Tulsi, Sunth, Jostimadhu, Aswagandha
Branolia's Honey Guard is a unique formulation which enhances the goodness of honey with the therapeutics of Ayurveda. Tulsi brings to Honey Guard its germicidal, fungicidal, anti-bacterial and anti-biotic properties, Sunth helps in digestion and prevents cough and cold, Jostimadhu provides anti-oxidant benefits along with easing the symptoms of ulcer and help it heal and Aswagandha rejuvenates the body. All this packed with the natural healing properties of honey, makes Honey Guard a perfect health protector for people of all ages.

Relieves Cough and Cold

Bitocough Vasak . Pipul . Tulsi . Jastimadhu .....
Bitocough brings the best known ayurvedic remedies for persistent cough, cold and irritation of throat. Basak is known to be a good expectorant. Tulsi is effective for stubborn cough and cold. Pipul , Kantakari and Shoont give quick relief from cough. Jostimodhu is effective for chocked voice and respiratory problems. These herbs help in clearing phlegm and unclogging the respiratory system without any side effects.

Happiness through the Stomach

Bellytone Sonapata . Haritaki . Ajowan . Teori .....
Constipation is the precursor to many intestinal symptoms people suffer with. Bellytone contains the best known bowel regulators known in Ayurveda. The herbs present in Bellytone act as lubricant, astringent, anti-parasitic and helps in absorbtion and assimilation of food. The herbs promote hydration of the intestines and ease bowel movement. Meet the sunrise with a song on your lips. Forget constipation and indigestion with Bellytone.

Complete Liver Care

Livonia Kalmegh. Trifala....
The liver is the most powerful metabolic organ in the body. It does multidimensional functions essential for survival. The ayurvedic ingredients in Livonia help tune liver functions and helps contain indigestion, acidity, heartburn, vomiting, tastelessness, constipation, jaundice and other digestion problems. Triphala in Livonia helps detoxify the liver , stimulates bile secretion, helps digestion and significantly reduces serum cholesterol and lipid levels. Make Livonia your companion to healthy living.

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World has seen ordinary people do extraordinary thing. Branolia salutes human endeavour.

Branolia Health Blog
Branolia is committed to creating awareness about health issues and using Ayurveda to enhance the quality of life.