The New Age Marketer: A Career in Digital Marketing

Img source: michelhanna
A career in digital marketing is undoubtedly one of the hottest careers in present. Career opportunities in the digital marketing space are huge and are rapidly increasing. Every business, starting from small ones to the very large ones need to use digital marketing platforms to grow and expand.
HR experts had predicted in 2015 that 1.5 lakh digital marketing jobs are likely to be created in India over the next two years. And this trend is likely to continue with Internet and mobile penetration reaching unprecedented levels.
What is digital marketing?
The Internet and social media have not only changed how people communicate with each other, but also how businesses communicate with its customers. With the rapid expansion of the Internet and social media, any business needs to market itself online to reach out to its customers. Digital marketing is a broad term that refers to the use of different digital technologies for marketing. This could include marketing efforts through the Internet, social media and mobile phones. Digital marketing also includes marketing through other digital channels like digital television and electronic billboards, though it focuses mostly on online and social media marketing. A digital marketing professional’s job is same that of a marketing professional, only that the medium is different. A digital marketing professional is responsible for developing a strategy to market a company’s product using the various channels mentioned below.
Skills Required:
A digital marketing professional needs to have the knowledge of a wide array of skills for his job. Plus he needs to be a fast leaner because the digital space is evolving very fast and so is consumer behavior. A digital marketing professional needs to be versed in web analytics, email marketing, search engine marketing, social media marketing, content marketing and mobile marketing. A knowledge of a lot of popular online tools like Hootsuite, Google Analytics, MailChimp, Aweber and others is also important because these tools help to automate digital management to a large extent and helps a professional manage things more efficiently.
What to Study:
While one can learn digital marketing on one’s own, one can enrol in one of the various digital marketing institutes to get a headstart. . NIIT Digital Marketing, Digital Vidya, Digtal Acamdemy India and Market Motive are some of the places from one can get certifications in digital marketing. You can go for comprehensive courses or different courses which give you certification in a certain area like web analytics or mobile marketing. It is advisable to enter the job market as early as possible because job experience counts a lot. Having your own blog or a website and increasing your web presence is also a good way to get your hands dirty and learn the tricks of the profession.
Pay Package:
Digital marketing professionals have salaries that match industry standards for technology professionals. Starting salaries are in the range of Rs 3 lakh to Rs 5.5 lakh per annum while it goes up with experience. A person with a few years experience can command anything between Rs 6 to 10 lakh per annum while those with about 10 years of experience will have a salary of anything between Rs 10 lakh to Rs 12 lakh per annum. Location, experience and skills known influence how much you will earn.
Remember that this is a profession where you can have all the knowledge and skills, but at the end it all boils down to how you can leverage them to take a business to the next step. So you need to merge your abilities with business acumen and success will follow.
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