Ayurveda and Brain Functioning

Brain and Ayurveda


Memory is not supported by a single brain region, but  rather by a wide set of brain areas. One brain region, however, is known to be especially important for memory and that is a structure deep in the brain’s temporal lobes called the hippocampus.

Activity of millions of neurons in many different regions of our brain must become highly linked to produce a coherent memory that interweaves emotions, sights, sounds, smells, event sequences and other stored experiences.

Human memory function and storage is one of the greatest marvels of nature and science is yet to fully discover why memory widely varies from person to person or why there is a sudden loss of memory.


Ancient Ayurvedic medicinal plants (Brahmi,Ashwagandha, Turmeric,  Shankhpushpi, gotu kola etc) reduce brain aging and induce anti stress and memory enhancing effects which help in regeneration of neural tissues.

Ayurveda prescribes several remedies for improving memory and intelligence. Researchers are continuously working to develop new Ayurvedic medicines   concentrating on the treatment of memory disorders. These ayurvedic medicinal plants helps altering the concentration of neurotransmitters — chemical substances that are known to play an important role in mental processes including memory. For example, an abnormally high level of Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) or a reduction in the level of acetlycholine, both neurotransmitters, can affect memory.

Recent tests showed that such plants like Brahmi  reacts strongly with GABA to reduce its concentration and  enhances acetylcholine concentration ,  that can potentially reverse nerve decay caused by aging. Hopes are high that another plant Jattamansi could yield a drug that could arrest memory decline in the elderly viz.alzheimer’s disease.


Branolia is an ayurvedic tonic based on the knowledge gleaned from the ancient ayurveda on the regenerative and memory enhancement power of the Brahmi.

Brahmi in Branolia helps increases memory, concentration and thinking power and keeps the nerve cells cool, healthy and tuned without any side effects.

Along with Brahmi, Branolia contains Satamuli, Berela, Ashwagandha, Jastimodhu and Alkushi which have high brain rejuvenation properties.

Branolia, the century old memory tonic is considered to be very useful in   enhancing memory power and  is suitable for all ages.

Ingredients in Branolia helps students enhance academic performance, for middle  aged it keeps the brain and body tuned for the daily rigours and for the aged it helps manage age related mental degeneration.



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