Clinical Trial Finds 30% Rise in Haemoglobin Count With One Month Use of Kulekhara Herb

Clinic Trial Kulekhara

Ayurveda recommends Kulekhara for increasing blood haemoglobin count. Recent researches have provided scientific evidence which corroborate what Ayurveda always knew. The study proves the efficacy of Kulekhara against Iron deficiency anaemia.

In a clinical trial of 402 (registered 473) patients comprising rural, urban, hospitalized (male 156, female 246) with manifestation of mild to moderate anaemia (Hb 7-10g/dk), aged between 11 and 50 years were administered leaf juice (15-20 ml) of Kulekhara twice daily. The results are summarized below:

Haemoglobin (Hb gms/dl )         8.37 (Before Treatment)      11.22 (After taking Kulekhera for 30 days, 15-20 ml twice daily)    34% increase

Total RBC                                             3.78 (Before Treatment)      4.34 (After taking Kulekhera for 30 days, 15-20 ml twice daily)      14.8% increase

Packed Cell Volume (PCV) %   31.11 (Before Treatment)    37.83 (After taking Kulekhera for 30 days, 15-20 ml twice daily)    21.6% increase

The trial provides evidence on how Kulekhara intake improves hb count, total RBC and Packed Cell Volume in blood and thereby establishes efficacy of Kulekhata in combating Iron Deficiency Anaemia.

Branolia’s Kulerron brings the goodness of Kulekhara to help combat Iron Deficiency Anaemia. Kulerron contains extracts of the entire Kulekhara plant (bark, leaves and roots) and not just leaves ( the use of entire plant is recommended by Ayurveda texts) which improves the efficiency of Kulerron in combating Anaemia.  You can now receive Kulerron at your door step. Place you order of Kulerron with us at . Anaemia reducing Kulerron is an ayurvedic medicine and has no side effects.


Source: Evidence Based Medicine—A Clinical Experience on Ayurveda Medicine,  Pratip K. Debnath, Achintya Mitra, Jayram Hazra, Srikanta Pandit, Tuhin Kanti Biswas, Utpalendu Jana, Tapan K. Ghosh, Tapas Sur, Biswajeet Auddy and P.K. Prajapati, published in Recent Advances in Herbal Drug Therapy, Anubhava Ray and Kavita Gulati edt.

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